Thursday, November 15, 2007

Alyssa broke her arm!

Alyssa broke her right arm while “rough-housing” with her younger brother Christian at 9:00 pm on November 14, 2007. We went to the ER that night at about 11:00 pm. The ER Doctor said it was broken after examining her X-Rays. The hospital wrapped her arm in a splint, wrote her a prescription for Lortab, and referred us to an Orthopedic Surgeon. We didn’t get home until about 2 O’clock in the morning.On Thursday the 15th we were lucky enough to get an appointment at the Orthopedic office at 10:40am. Alyssa chose a BLACK colored cast so that her friends can sign in Metallic colored markers. The cast is already irritating her after one day. She has to keep it on for 4 weeks !

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Halloween Hooligans!!!

The kids had fun on Halloween. Christian and Abby's school had a costume parade. Sydnee loved sitting in her stroller watching all the elementary school kids walk around the grass outside the school yard. I thought the teachers all did a good job dressing up; Christian's teacher was Pinocchio, and Mrs. Stewart (Abby's teacher) was a scarecrow. When school was over I got all the kids ready to trick or treat at SH Architecture. They get loads of candy at Eric's office because I've got the cutest kids! - And maybe because Christian and Abby know how to work it by going around the office more than once. Then at 6:30 it was off to our Church to "Trunk or Treat". They served chili and hot dogs for dinner. There were games and picture booths etc. set up before the trunk or treat started. Eric and I are on our wards Activities Committee. We were in charge of a game and Alyssa had fun running it for us so we could experience all the excitement with Sydnee on her first Halloween.
Alyssa's costume was thrown together at the last minute. She was a clown/baby. Christian picked out his costume and anything that carries a weapon is cool with him. Abby picked a Devil costume. "Devilicious" I called her. She is shy about wearing it out in public but at home she is all show. I got Sydnee's Octopus costume at this cool shop called Babystyle at Fashion Island while in Huntington Beach with Eric for his office's Strategic Planning weekend. The costumes are reasonably priced for the quality. I might even order one online for next year.

Our Family and this years carved pumpkins

Christian as a Ninja and his 4th grade teacher Mrs. Szymanski as Pinocchio.

Abby and her 2nd grade Scarecrow of a teacher, Mrs. Stewart.